(319)363-6130 Mon-Thurs: 8AM - 4:00PM & Fri: 8AM - 2PM

Our Mission Statement

We aim to be a thriving, loving community joyfully living and boldly proclaiming the Gospel. Responding to the needs of the marginalized, training disciples, and equipping apostles to transform the world.

Culture of Discipleship

We walk with Jesus, discussing our relationship often, inviting others to join, utilizing our charisms for mutual growth, fearlessly spreading the Gospel beyond our comfort zones to the world.

Culture of Teamwork

We are a supportive congregation and family, trusting, forgiving, and embracing vulnerability, united in our imperfections and genuine connection.

Culture of Prayer

We involve God in all decisions, recognizing Him as the architect of our Parish. With His presence, we build our lives, seek guidance from the Blessed Mother and Saints, and respond to His invitations.

Our Core Values

Authentic Accompaniment

People Before Projects

Jesus came to save souls and not establish programs or projects. We want to make sure our focus stays on the person in front of us.

Focused Towards Jesus, Together

Whatever we do, our eyes should be on Jesus. We are not a community closed-inward on ourselves, nor are we directed toward some earthly destiny. Walking side by side toward the Lord is true accompaniment.

Owning Our Littleness

We are powerless without the grace of God. However, this does not imply that we are insignificant. We are released from self-reliance when we recognize our need for God (and others), which tears down walls between us and Jesus and opens us up to his grace.

Joyful Receptivity

Learning to Hear God's Voice

The stresses of modern life, combined with our choices about how we spend our time, can create a lot of static that drowns out God's voice.

In 1 Kings 19, the prophet Elijah hears God's voice in a quiet whisper rather than a forceful and terrible storm, earthquake, or fire. That is why it is so important to be silent and listen in personal prayer. That is why hearing God's Word at Mass, as well as reading and praying with Scripture, may be immensely beneficial.

All of these things assist us in distinguishing God's voice among the dissonances of societal voices competing for our attention consequently our hearts.

Sacrificial Generosity

God First, Others Second, I am Third

It is not inherent in fallen human nature to prioritize selflessness. Our natural inclination is to safeguard ourselves and our loved ones. Nonetheless, by focusing on the essentials and emulating Jesus' example, we are called by the Lord in the Gospel to realign our priorities. Jesus exhibited this by dismissing crowds and sacrificing rest, prioritizing God through night vigils in prayer, and surrendering to God's will before His crucifixion, saying, "not My will but Yours be done."

He clearly placed others as a secondary concern, perceiving the crowds as "sheep without a shepherd" and taking the initiative to "teach them many things." Even in moments of exhaustion, He considered their needs. This reversal of our natural inclination in prioritizing establishes a pathway to a renewed and abundant life, as beautifully articulated by Vatican II: "Man, who is the only creature on earth which God willed for itself, cannot fully find himself except through a sincere gift of himself."

I'd Like More Information...

Here at All Saints all are welcome and loved. Step into our Sanctuary and find a spiritual home, where diversity thrives and your unique journey is honored. No matter your background, struggles, or doubts, we embrace you as a cherished member of our family.
Find solace, guidance, and a community united by love and compassion.
You are valued and loved here at All Saints Catholic Church.
"But what if I've been away from the church for a long time?"
"What if I'm divorced? I thought I'm not allowed back?"
"What if I have a past that I'm not proud of?"
"What if I've been told that I am not living like a Catholic should live?"

You are welcome here.

Join our parish community and let your faith flourish! Fill out the inquiry form below, and our Welcome Team Member will be in touch. We are excited to welcome you to All Saints Parish!