(319)363-6130 Mon-Thurs: 8AM - 4:00PM & Fri: 8AM - 2PM

Family Formation

Family Formation is a joint effort between All Saints Catholic Church and St. Matthew's Catholic Church.

This program, known as Family Formation, offers faith-based education for children in grades K–5 and their parents. It provides an opportunity for families to grow spiritually and enhance their knowledge of the Catholic faith together.

In addition to exploring various themes that promote a vibrant family religious life, parents will also gain insights into topics related to their children's studies.

Each month, parents and children will engage in lessons to be completed at home. This program aims to support parents in their crucial role as the "first and foremost educators" of their children, as mandated by the Church. Our ultimate goal is to assist families in deepening their relationship with Christ and fostering a greater understanding of the Catholic Faith.



10 am to 11 am in the All Saints Parish Social Hall.


  • October 30th
  • November 20th
  • December 18th
  • January 15th
  • February 26th
  • March 26th
  • April 2nd
  • May 21st


Stacy Cataldo, Director of Family Formation

Email: catechesis@allsaintscr.com

Phone: (319)363-6130 ext 114